Raspberry Hill - Where Love Grows
Emotionally Focused Therapy Online

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) Online
In our work with couples we use Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT).
A couple is a construct through which we can learn how to love and to be loved and how to grow to our full potential.
Training & Workshops
Online Sessions
Our Work with Couples
The Science of LoveOur work with couples is based on Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), one of the most successful and worldwide best evaluated methods to help couples to transform distrust and suffering into trust and closeness. EFT shows in a clear and honest way the key to happiness in a partnership. We focus on working with couples and support our clients with EFT for individuals (EFIT) and EFT for families (EFFT) when needed.
What is emotionally focused couples therapy?
The 3 Modalities

International Center for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT) is the umbrella organization for a worldwide network of EFT centers and communities.

We are members of the EFT Community Deutschland e.V. (EFTCD)
About us
German state license: Heilpraktiker fĆ¼r Psychotherapie